Thursday, December 08, 2005

Identifyng Unconscious Blocks To Your Success

How to Identify Unconscious Beliefs

By Edwin Harkness Spina

"Know thyself." These words were inscribed in the vestibule of the Temple of Apollo at Delphi. For centuries, petitioners seeking advice from the oracle at Delphi would view the inscription. Philosophers throughout the ages offered this same advice to their students. These words are as valuable today as they were almost three thousand years earlier.

Part of "knowing yourself" is understanding your beliefs. The difficulty is that most beliefs are subconscious. They have been accepted without ever having been critically examined.

As was described in last week's newsletter, the Law of Attraction states that you will attract to yourself those experiences that match your beliefs. These beliefs create your experience of reality. What if these beliefs are in opposition to what you're actually trying to accomplish? What if they no longer serve you? Wouldn't it be useful to eliminate these limiting beliefs?

There are a number of techniques to identify unconscious beliefs: taking a battery of psychological tests or tapping into your inner wisdom via meditation are two of them. There is a shortcut that can predict with 99% accuracy what your beliefs are. It is so simple that people usually overlook it. Even when it is clearly stated, they frequently ignore it.

After all, most people have accepted these beliefs as true and don't want to hear anything that might contradict what they believe is true. Remember, you are not your beliefs. You are a divine spiritual being, so why hold onto anything that is preventing you from realizing this truth? So here's the secret.

Look around. Whenever you have a repeating problem in some area of your life, then that is where you have a false or limiting belief. This doesn't mean that just because you're in between relationships or jobs, you necessarily have a false belief. But if the problem constantly reappears, then you can be 99% certain a false belief is involved.

Avoid the temptation to blame someone for inserting this false belief into your belief system. After all, you could easily point fingers at your parents, teachers, friends, TV, etc., as well as yourself. It's not important where it came from, you just want to be rid of it, so you can experience your ideal life.

You have two choices here. You can 1) identify your unconscious beliefs and release them, or 2) learn to recognize the symptoms of accepting this limiting belief and change your thoughts. You can also do a combination of the two.


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