Thursday, December 01, 2005

Life Coach Invites You To Write Your Eulogy

What would your eulogy say if  you died today?  He had so much potential?  She wanted to swim the channel, but...?  She dreamed of making a difference in the world,  too bad she died before she could do it.

How would your perfect eulogy read?  What would your legacy be?  How many lives would you want to positively affect in your life?  Could you say that you achieved the dreams you had when you were young?

Stonewall Jackson said on his deathbed, “Let me cross the river and rest under the tree.” What would you most regret not doing before you rest under the tree??

I submit that nothing, absolutely NOTHING, is stopping you--but yourself!

Actionable life coaching advice - make a list right now of 10 things that you really want to do before you die. The items on the list could be as simple as inspire one person, or as noble as start a non-profit foundation.  How would it feel to leave this kind of mark before you go?  Now write your own powerful eulogy based upon this list.  Remember, IT IS NEVER TOO LATE TO WORK ON YOUR DREAMS!

This may seem a daunting task.  You actually might think it ridiculous or like it but close your browser and never give it another thought.  Or, you might take action and live begin to dream… and living inspired.  What are you waiting for?  Time’s not waiting on you.


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