Monday, October 31, 2005

What is Life Coaching?

A coach guides you in identifying core life desires, uncovering authentic talents and in applying your unique qualities in pursuit of your goals.

Stephen Covey gives a nice sense of the outcome of coaching when he says,

"How different our lives are when we really know what is deeply important to us, and, keeping that picture in mind, we manage ourselves each day to be and do what really matters most."

Today, life is more full and fast-paced than ever before.  One might assume that a sense of personal fulfillment would accompany this process.  Sadly, the reverse is true for great numbers of individuals today.  Life is too hectic.

A sense of emptiness, lack of direction, confusion and joyless living permeate many lives, perhaps even yours.
The coaching profession has been called into creation by these and similar needs amongst you.

It's important to realize that you were born into this world whole, with unique gifts.  Over the course of time you unlearned some of your golden qualities, put them on the shelf, sacrificing them towards some perceived good.  You became lost to yourself.  Your once vivid and detailed dreams became fuzzy, distant and finally forgotten.

What if procrastination doesn't mean you are lazy or a perfectionist?  What if there's a divine reason for your anxiety or depression?  What if your relationship problems are really about lost dreams?  What if your high level of stress and inability to sleep well are red flags with important messages written all over them?

You may find this hard to believe, but your natural state is to live life full of energy, enthusiasm and with great joy!  What's terrifying is that a lack of these qualities has been accepted as normal.  You've been brainwashed into this belief, so much so, that when you come across individuals living with abundant joy you may quickly judge them as odd or naive.

Life's hiccups (anxiety, depression, procrastination, stress etc.) are a beacon of light.  Follow the beacon and come home to yourself.  A coach provides the guidance, through powerful questions, deep listening, formation of action plans and heartfelt accountability.

Life coaching is positive, focusing on identifying your strengths, and is oriented towards the future.  You glance backwards only for understanding to fuel forward movement into your desired future.

Life coaching occurs in person, by phone, via the web, through email or some combination of these.  A complimentary session is always given as your gift to experience the benefits directly, prior to making a decision.

Are you ready to come home to yourself?

Dave Turo-Shields, ACSW, LCSW, CEC is an author, university faculty member, personal success coach and veteran psychotherapist whose passion is guiding others to their own success in life.  Learn more about Dave online at Coach Life Solutions

The home site of Coach Life Solutions staff. Coach Life Solutions staff create powerful relationships for people making important changes in their lives. Imagine having a life navigator, helping you find your way and stay on course. That's what a life coach does.

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Hello! I am Dave Turo-Shields, a Certified Empowerment Coach (CEC) with over 17 years experience. I'm a life coach helping many live the inspired life. What other choice is there? Call me for a complimentary session. Your potential awaits. 317-865-1674